The world of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is vast, and for many, just as complex, with numerous vendors offering a wide range of business management solutions, modules, and complementary products. As a result, ERP, established in the early 1990’s, has since built its own industry terminology and lingo, a lot of which can be overwhelming when you’re considering implementing ERP for your business.
As an ERP vendor with over 30 years of industry experience, we’ve noticed that people who aren’t familiar with ERP-related terminology, avoid using the software’s rich variety of features and functionality. Ultimately, this can lead to reduced operational efficiency, by not taking advantage of ERP’s automated processes, workflows, and more.
At Priority, we work with customers who have varying degrees of technical know-how. While some of our customers are familiar with the software’s modules and applications, many others are not. This is why we have compiled a useful Glossary of Terms that we often use on our website and in our marketing collateral.
This list of terms and ERP software definitions may be helpful during your ERP consultation, pre-sales, purchasing, and system onboarding stages.
ERP is a large and fast-growing software sector, bringing with it the latest advances in cloud technology and mobile applications. As a result, a complete glossary of terms may not be possible. We’ve made every effort to include all of the terminology that we use in the context of ERP products, modules and functionality. However, you may be looking for the definition of a term that is not listed here.
Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to have one of our ERP experts explain what it means, and we’ll probably add it to our Glossary of Terms.
Content & Marketing Communication
Olly oversees Priority's global marketing communications, content, and branding strategy. Olly brings a decade of experience in executing marketing initiatives for high-growth B2B companies. She excels in rapidly adapting to market changes and innovating new concepts, ensuring that the company's marketing strategies are not only current but also forward-thinking.
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